The Power of Blogging

Never underestimate the real power of blogging. Over the years the nature of blogging has changed, Make sure you don’t fall behind the competition.

What began as a way for people to tell others about what they thought and how they felt about world they live in has evolved into an important way in which businesses can boost their online presence. Today either choosing not to blog, or not choosing to blog, are no longer options for any business that is targeting growth; any business that is not blogging currently is already falling behind the competition in terms of online visibility and reach.

professional copywriter blogging on a MacBook
professional copywriter blogging on a MacBook

Google loves blogs

Only blogs that provide quality original content. The old ways of tricking Google no longer work; the Panda and Penguin updates to the Google algorithm have seen to that

Google loves blogs, but only blogs that provide quality original content. The old ways of tricking Google no longer work; the Panda and Penguin updates to the Google algorithm have seen to that. Today one of the best ways to boost the position of your website in Google’s search results pages is to include a website blog that is updated on a frequent basis.

It isn’t only Google that likes blogs; real people like them too. When your blog provides quality content that your visitors find compelling they are far more likely to stick around to find out more about you and to engage with your site; a good blog will always reduce bounce rates and it will also increase inbound links as visitors are likely to link to and share your blog posts.

To back up some of these assertions with statistics, data published by Hubspot indicates that 92% of companies who blog multiple times a day have acquired customers through their blog; companies that blog generate 55% more website visitors than their similar companies that do not blog; and blogging companies receive 97% more inbound links.


What makes an excellent blog?

As we have indicated creating a blog for your website is important and can help your business substantially but it is also a huge commitment. To work properly blogs need to be updated regularly and doing so can be very time consuming, especially when you need to concentrate on other aspects of your business and you are not a natural blogger.

The answer to this is simple; get somebody else to do it for you. We have a team of professional copywriters and bloggers who can write anything from 300 to 600 words on your chosen subject or website theme. All the content is original and of exceptionally high quality which readers will find compelling while being search engine friendly. Many people have found that this is the ideal way to harness the power of blogging to benefit their business and so can you.


Attract more visitors

Contact Wolf today to find out how we can help you attract more visitors to your website through the Power of Blogging