Our Approach

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A lot sits behind the name, Wolf. There is a reason I believed my business needed the branding of such a magnificently effective creature: it’s because our principles and strategies share a common thread with our namesake.

The way I approach website builds, branding and design, marketing and SEO, and any other of the myriad services I love engaging in with my clients reflects this belief.

My approach is threefold: Research, Target and Deploy.


Before committing to a hunt, wolves will always fully understand the method, madness and desires of their prey. When my clients first come to me with their needs, my research is second to none in terms of depth and focus. By the time I’m done, I’ll know how your audience is thinking, how they’re arriving at those thoughts, and what the most effective way is to bend those thoughts towards becoming a customer of my client. This stage includes audience review, competitor analysis, keyword and usage analysis of your site, search behaviour analysis and industry and seasonal trends.


Once a wolf understands its prey, it will begin phase two of a hunt: targeting. Likewise, once I know what we’re working towards and what we’re working with, we’ll begin focussing on how that’s going to happen. What keywords are the target, which leads are most likely to turn into clients, how can different design ideas be included in your site to influence users? This will include demo website design trials and SEO strategy application. Research doesn’t stop with phase two, it just takes on a more practical look.


So the wolf has researched his prey and chosen a target, now he deploys. And so it is with me. After time spent understanding your desires and your industry and your audience, and a period of refining and focussing, I’m ready to deploy a holistic strategy. And the real work’s just beginning. Because effective and sustainable digital marketing campaigns aren’t sprints, they’re journeys. The include the steps above, and they continue through deployment and ongoing management.

Whether you’re a local cafe, tradesman, small business or established enterprise – Wolf has been around the trap and we can build your brand into what it deserves to be.