Social Media Isn’t Going Anywhere – Here’s How To Use It To Grow Your Business

woman using Social Media on her smartphone

In 2018, a lot of marketing professionals have been feeling a little jaded with the social media landscape. We’ve all now been heavily, both in business and personal lives, embedded in this world of Facebook and Instagram, and there is a sense of ‘what next?’. But it needs to be said, this isn’t going anywhere, and it’s time to take a deep breath, assess where we’re at as we head towards 2019, and gear up for a bigger push in the social media landscape.

With this in mind, let’s talk through a few key things to bear in mind. Firstly, the whole mobile movement isn’t a movement – it’s an ongoing behemothic truth of modern life, and if you think you’re website and marketing plan is mobile optimised – you’re probably wrong. There are consistent changes in what mobiles can do, and your strategy needs to be flexible enough to capture this increased power: people expect better photos, better videos, faster streaming, easier user flow and more. Stay on top of mobile trends and tailor your marketing to changes that are on the way.

chart showing the number of smartphone users worldwide from 2014 to 2020

Another aspect of marketing that continues to boom and require innovation and ongoing investment is video. Anyone who thought YouTube would sail into the sunset to meet up with Blockbuster video stores was sorely mistaken, with user numbers still incredible. This desire for video content appears insatiable, and if it was a fad you expect to pass, it isn’t – and you should get on board. This doesn’t mean stop sharing images and text – but they should compliment your cornerstone video marketing.

Which takes us on to influencers. If possible, whether paid or free, reach out to influencers to help you get your brand more widespread on social media. Whilst this is not a new ‘trend’, it does seem to be underutilised by brands who perhaps think it’s the territory of big business only. Social media is about community, and if there is someone who connects with your audience, getting in their line of sight is a good thing.


Use paid promotions effectively, not randomly.

Too many businesses throw money down the drain through putting solid advertising budget through Facebook and Instagram paid promotions that weren’t researched and hit the wrong targets. Despite trumpeting from Facebook about a tightening of their advertising rules, there is a lot to be said for an analytical approach to paid marketing in social media in 2019.

So, not so scary right? A lot of what has worked in the past will work moving forward – it’s about tailoring it to meet new trends, and avoiding the trap of thinking social media days are done. They’re booming, and you can’t get left behind.